
For over 15 years, I've been running classes, workshops, talks and business events designed to bring people together and learn how to make changes and find improvements in every area of their business.

You see — most marketers and entrepreneurs are constantly trying to grow their businesses in the wrong way. I am here to help your business grow the right way through digital marketing.

It’s the same strategy Starbucks, Apple, Nike, Coca-Cola, and McDonald’s use to corner the coffee, tech, clothes, beverage, and food markets. It’s the same strategy Amazon uses to dominate the e-commerce market.

My strategy works for both small and enterprise-level businesses. It works for both startups and decades-old billion-dollar retailers, whether you sell traditional or digital products/services.

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Creating a blog, writing well-optimized articles, and generating qualified visitors should become your obsession if you want to grow.

However, like everything in life, setting up a content plan is not an easy task and requires developing a content strategy and plan that is appropriate to the products or services you offer.

If you want to create a blog easily and without complications, you’re in the right place. Through my guides and tutorials, you will find all the information you need to set up a profitable business blog step by step.

Get the skills you need to develop advanced websites using the industry-leading CMS WordPress or Drupal as the back-end solution.

Through this course you’ll develop advanced WordPress development skills, build code and speed optimised advanced CMS solutions, and extend the functionality of your chosen CMS with the REST API.

As a Frontend developer, you will learn to produce amazing websites and user experiences on the web and in apps through the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and Mysql – as well as a constantly changing battery of tools and programming languages.

Learn how to transform your business idea into a digital product or service, reach and sell to millions of people all around the world.

Start a profitable online business, e-commerce, or blog through the step-by-step course, guides, videos, tutorials as well as personal expert assistance to walk you through the journey.

Learn how to research and design your website’s online experience according to business needs and target audience.

You will learn to develop and monitor your website UX and thus increase your audience engagement, attraction, and retention to finally achieve higher conversion and ROI.

In just a matter of seconds, the user can be all in or as quickly bouncing out of a website. As an industry expert, I will support you throughout, so you can be confident in ensuring everything falls into the right place.