How to use Twitter for business in 2022 – Ultimate guide

How to use Twitter for business in 2022 – Ultimate guide

You did it! – After some time wondering how to use Twitter for business. you finally started tweeting. You have been tweeting for a while and gained some followers, but it is not going exactly as you have planned and hoped. You are stuck and looking for a guide to walk you through the important parts of Twitter and how to use the social media tool to provide real value for your business.

Look no further – In today’s world, with the importance and the daily surrounding of social media that never sleeps, we all need a little help to do better and gain more followers and engagement with the things we post online.

For this reason, I will walk you through some of my tricks and tips for you to implement into your Twitter strategy to increase your follower, engagement, and most importantly conversions.

With more than 500 million Tweets sent every single day (That’s 6,000 tweets every second), to stand out and get engagement, it is not only important how you tweet, but also what you tweet.

The human brain is programmed to learn, meaning that if we see a question or an interesting title, we click it to satisfy our curiosity. Therefore, by making people curious we gain engagement and followers.

When posting on Twitter, it is important that you don’t only post the services you can offer your clients. You need to put yourself in the shoes of your client and basically tweet anything that could be of their interest, which still can somehow connect to your business.

For instance – as a consulting firm, you can tweet for example about cybersecurity threats and how they can affect a business, Artificial intelligence, business consulting, digital workplace, business agility, advanced analytics, cloud services that improve business productivity, etc. This way you will stand out as an expert, which will inspire trust and confidence from current and future clients.

If you google Twitter tips, millions of sites will come up with all sorts of tips for you on how to improve your Twitter account and your tweets. These lists will often remind you of what you want to do with Twitter as well as fill you with inspiration for new tweets and marketing strategies. But what these lists never mention, is how to effectively use Twitter to drive potential leads and increase your ROI.

In this guide, we will be covering smart techniques and strategies to boost your business using Twitter. Did you know that the average Twitter user follows five companies, and 80% of all Twitter users have mentioned a brand in a Tweet?

Glossary: Twitter terms to know before you tweet

Before we get going with Twitter. Let’s cover the most important terms of the social network.

  • Timeline: Twitter’s main page, where the tweets emitted by those you are following appear in chronological order – from most to least current. It could be said that it is like the cover of a newspaper or a magazine, only in this case the order of appearance is strictly marked by the hour, the minute, and the second of publication of the post.
  • Tweets: The messages that are published on the social network are called tweets. These can contain text, photos, videos, GIFs, questions, and links. In the image, you see an example of my account @danithifa. In this case, the content of the Tweet would be the headline, the words, the link, and the image that can be seen.
  • Retweet: It is the substitute for ‘sharing’ on other social media networks. It is about virilizing a post that a person has launched on the timeline. It can be published as the original source did or there is the option of citing a tweet in case we want to add a comment of our own. Click on the icon in the center, just to the right of the arrow used to reply. It looks like a kind of rectangle made up of two arrows.
  • Like: The heart means that you have read or seen content and that you liked it. It is a good way to establish contact with a profile that may be attractive to you for a certain purpose, in case you are trying to get noticed.
  • Label: Famous hashtags are used to organize conversations by topic. If we want to be located in relation to a specific activity or a specific issue, this is the way. Anyone who is tracking Twitter in relation to something specific, if we have tagged ourselves in that regard we will be visible to their eyes. These hashtags are formed by adding the ‘#’ sign to a word or phrase. It is very simple: if we are to promote a cybersecurity service and we want to be located for future getaways, we could use tags such as #cybersecurity, #cybersecurityconsultant, #cybersecurityexpert, etc.
  • Trends: If we want to know what is being talked about especially on the social network at a specific moment, we can go to the timeline and on the right, we will see a column that is titled “Trends”. As its name suggests, it collects trends about what is giving more to talk about and we could tweet with those keywords to be more visible. The trend block is configurable to show local and international trends.
  • Mention: The @ sign is used in front of a user’s name – @danithifa – when we want to address the person directly. The same will be done by Internet users who want to communicate with our SME. It is interesting to start a conversation with the people we want to address. This is by far one of the best features of Twitter and that has helped me to address the right people without any firewall in between.
  • Private messages: It is another communication option with tweeters. Interesting if we want to take the chat from the public to private or in most cases it is one of the ways in which people communicate to deal with issues in a more intimate way.

How to use Twitter for business

We invert the question: How not to use Twitter for your business taking into account the following data?

  • 313 million monthly active users.
  • More than 500 million tweets every day.
  • 63% of Twitter users are between 35-65 years old.
  • 66% of tweeters have discovered a new small and medium business on Twitter.
  • 94% plan to buy products or services from the SMEs they follow in this network.
  • 69% have ever bought a product or service from a company as a result of something they saw published on Twitter.
  • 1,000 million unique monthly visits to sites that have been shared through tweets.
  • 82% of active tweeters on mobile devices.
  • 79% of operating accounts outside the US

These are figures provided by the social network itself that show the importance it has as an information channel and a means of communication. More than 300 million Internet users connect daily to find out what is happening in the world. No wonder all the big businesses such as Accenture, Deloitte, and TietoEvry are investing in this platform.

Now, do you see why it is important to learn how to use Twitter if you are a business? But this is not all, there are many more benefits of using Twitter for businesses:

  • Targeted content visibility: Twitter is a social network that has millions of users. They want to read and share relevant and interesting content. At the same time, Twitter Ads will allow you to promote tweets to generate more targeted traffic, followers, and interactions.
  • Closer interaction with your audience: Social media users love to participate by “liking” or leaving comments. On Twitter, this participation is much more intense. This is a great advantage since you can quickly find out what you like or dislike about your brand, identify potential problems, and communicate directly with your audience.
  • Diverse audience: Twitter is made up of a very diverse set of users. You can take advantage of this feature to find your target group from a much wider and more varied audience.
  • Good source of traffic for your website: This social network makes it very easy for you to share the contents of your website or blog and thus generate more visits. By adding a link in your tweets, you will be able to refer your followers to your site.
  • Greater visibility in search engines: Twitter ranks very well on Google. When your clients search for your business on this social network, it will come out in the top positions, which will improve your SEO rank.

How to market effectively on Twitter

First of all, you need to create unique Twitter marketing strategies according to the niche or type of campaign. Your strategy is your foundation for success, and it’s worth all the time you spend researching and creating it.

A Twitter marketing strategy is like any other social media strategy: it focuses on the type of content you create, post, and distribute to attract your followers. The content you publish should attract new followers, encourage new leads, increase conversions, and increase brand recognition.

Your business likely already has high-level goals, and Twitter is one channel that can help you achieve those goals. If your business is looking to generate long-term leads and sales, you’ll need brand awareness on your side to get you moving.

After working with companies with different niches, I have developed The following four tactics to create a strong Twitter marketing strategy to increase business reach, leads, and branding.

  1. Research your competition. Twitter is a tool you can use to search for competitors and see what types of marketing content and tactics they are using. Gathering information about what your competitors are doing will help you form your own strategy. Is there something they’re doing that you are not? How is your competitor’s customer service on the platform? By asking questions about your competitors, you can launch your own highly developed strategy.
  2. Audit your account. The importance of auditing is not lost when it comes to strategy. For Twitter to be a great marketing tool, your profile needs to be optimized with keywords related to your business niche.
  3. Research best practices. Like the audit, this is a step that must be performed continuously. Staying up-to-date is key here as Twitter updates and undergoes changes all the time. Make sure to always get yourself update with Twitter’s latest algorithm changes and integrations to keeping your impressions and engagement high.
  4. Identify your audience. Your business persons need to be considered in all aspects of marketing, including social media. When creating your strategy, and even creating individual pieces of content, you need to keep a description of your personas in mind. Who are you trying to contact? What interests them? Will this give them attention?

How to grow your business with Twitter

Now that we’ve discussed the tactics for creating a Twitter marketing strategy, let’s explore some critical steps you need to take to further harness the power of Twitter for your own business.

1. Build a profile that stands out

Twitter of Dani Thifa - Kliwo

First of all, you need to set yourself up for success by customizing your profile. The last thing you want is someone to walk away from your Twitter account – and potentially away from your business – because you have a Twitter profile that does not provide enough trust and expertise.

Make sure you upload attractive high-quality images for both your banner and your profile picture – while many brands have their logo as their profile picture, the Banner is where you can get a little creative with your colors and images.

If you’re just starting out with Twitter for your business, you want your Twitter handler to be extremely relevant to your business. Using your brand as your Twitter identifier may seem obvious, but there are many Twitter accounts. What happens when your name is unavailable?

If your brand name is already being used as someone else’s identifier, you can add a CALL at the beginning of your business name. For example, let’s say your business name is “CGI Sweden”, but that identifier is taken. Maybe “@toCGISweden” or “@toCGISweden” would be other good options. You can also take inspiration from the Slack Twitter account and add “official” to the end of your handle “@CGISwedenOfficial”.

Another thing that may seem like a small detail is updating your pinned tweet regularly. Your Pinned tweet could be about an upcoming sales event or a new marketing campaign that you just launched. Either way, it’s the first thing your audience will react to because it stays at the top of your feed.

It is also important that you refine the description, the website link, and the location. All of these things belong plays an important part to deliver trust and confidence to your followers to know more about your business. Make sure to keep your profile updated and checked regularly.

2. Add value to your content

Adding value to your Twitter content is very similar to adding value to other marketing content. You should always keep your buyer personas in mind because the key to creating successful inbound content is making your readers feel like you are speaking directly to them.

When you think about adding value to social media, try asking yourself if your tweets advance an idea, entertain, or educate the audience. Without any of those three things, your content is likely to fall flat. Also, remember that the purpose of Twitter is to connect and spark conversations.

For Twitter specifically, you should try to get the most out of your 280 character limit.

Multimedia tweets help differentiate your business from others, and image tweets get 150% more retweets, so start mixing your content with images and videos. However, it is vital that you make sure to mix your tweets – nobody wants to see the same tweet over and over again, no matter how cool it is. Try mixing emojis and GIPHs with your photos and videos.

There are also ways to add value to your Twitter account that is specific to Twitter. Many brands have their own monthly Twitter chats. Twitter chats are scheduled, recurring conversations usually hosted by the same accounts. They are a great way to engage with your audience and ask them questions about your brand or industry. You can start your own Twitter chat by setting a date, time, and original hashtag for everyone to use.

3. Optimize your content

Now that you’ve added value to your content, you want to make sure people see it. You can optimize your content on Twitter using a few different strategies.

Hashtags are a common and easy way to spread your content, but you want to be careful about how many you use. Too many hashtags and your business can turn into spam, or like you’re trying to steal attention. Bottom line: don’t abuse hashtags. Follow up with one or two relevant hashtags per tweet.

You should also be researching the hashtag if you want to have more eyes on your content. Check out which hashtags your audience already uses when talking about your services or products, then adopt them yourself.

Lastly, you’ll want to consider how often you tweet. 92% of companies tweet more than once a day, 42% tweet one to five times a day, and 19% tweet six to 10 times a day. However, it’s important to note: your audience is likely not on Twitter just to hear your brand, so try to avoid clogging their feeds with unnecessary content. Also remember, only quality tweets get to your follower’s wall. So quality before quantity!

Experimenting with when and how many times you should tweet is also a great way for reaching more people – many businesses tweet in the morning, lunch, and early evening because that is when their target audience is most likely to be online.

4. Interact with your audience

It’s critical that you regularly engage and interact with your audience on Twitter by tagging them in posts, responding to their comments, or even organizing fun activities or giveaways to engage your audience.

5. Monitor your brand

Social listening can allow you to create the kind of content that your followers really crave, create new ideas based on industry trends, improve your customer experience by interacting directly with customers, and change your strategy to suit the needs of your audience.

6. Measure the results

When you have goals and targets in place, you can easily measure the results of your performance on any social media site. Having goals also helps determine when your strategy is not working and can help you get to the right place.

Twitter basic analytics

To measure your results on Twitter, you can go to Twitter Analytics. Also found in the drop-down menu, on your Twitter dashboard, by clicking on your profile in the upper right corner of the Twitter panel.

A general tip for measuring your performance on Twitter is to focus less on vanity metrics. Vanity metrics, like impressions or number of followers, are usually high numbers that look good on paper but don’t help you achieve your actual business goals.

It’s more important to know how many people have clicked on the link you tweeted, or how many people engage and interact with your brand effectively, so that you have a firmer understanding of what type of content is popular with your audience. This way, you will know more in-depth about what you need to provide to reach your target group, which also are your potential customers.

7. Use a Twitter tool

Twitter for business

When using Twitter for business, logging into the platform every time you post can be annoying, and is frankly a waste of time. There are tons of tools that allow you to schedule your posts in advance, so you don’t have to click “Tweet” 30 times a week.


The SlackSocial social media tool allows you to post to social media in the same place you create campaigns and schedule content for later. As an alternative, you can consider Hootsuite, Sprout Social, or Buffer.

8. Twitter paid ads

There are two ways to venture into Twitter paid ads on Twitter:

Twitter paid ads
  • Promoted Tweets: Promoted Tweets will appear in a user’s feed or search results. Your business pays for the tweet to be shown to a user who is not yet following your account. A promoted tweet looks exactly like a regular tweet and works the same way, meaning it can be retweeted, liked, shared, and quoted. Twitter will place your promoted tweets in a daily campaign aimed at the type of targeted audience you want to reach.
  • Twitter Ads: Twitter Ads are a good option if you want to promote many types of tweets to achieve a goal or advance a campaign.

9. Use Twitter list

If you have researched Twitter, you have probably come across a number of Twitter tips and Twitter lists are the most popular tools. Therefore, here we have put together a list of tips for Twitter lists for you. Before sharing our tips with you, we will explain what a Twitter list is and why you should use them.

What is a Twitter list?

A Twitter list is the long-awaited Twitter “groups” feature, one we are already familiar with from Facebook and LinkedIn. You can create a list where you can add people – both people that you follow and people that you do not follow. You can also subscribe to lists that people have created. An important thing to remember though is that tweets from your lists will not show up in your primary feed.

Why should you use Twitter lists?

The main reason why you should use Twitter lists is to become a supernatural tweeter. Twitter lists are one of the most powerful and yet least used features of Twitter. Lists help you organize your Twitter feed and make sure that you will never miss a tweet again. It will also help you to be seen as someone who is always engaging – ultimately a supernatural tweeter.

How to use Twitter lists?

We have gathered a selection of tips that will benefit you. This selection is a useful, helpful, and effective way of managing your newsfeed and your followers – It will make sure that you will not miss another tweet!

1. Competitors (keep this one private): Creating a private list of your competitors will help you keep an eye on your competition and what they publish and share. You will also be able to find inspiration within this list.

2. Family and friends: Make sure that you will never miss another tweet from your friends or family. A specific list like this removes the clutter from these tweets so that you can easily see what your family and friends are tweeting about.

3. Co-workers: Make a list of all your co-workers. That way you will keep up to date with the things your co-workers share. This is also a good way to encourage your employers to create a Twitter account.

4. Specific topics or interests: Creating a list of a specific topic or interest will help you see through all the clutter and only see the tweets regarding that specific interest of your list.

5. Events and conferences: When hosting or attending events and conferences, Twitter lists are great. This way you can easily find information and news about that specific event. Those who are not able to attend the event will also be able to follow and keep informed.

6. Accounts you recommend to follow: This list doesn’t have to share a category or interest or anything. This is a list of tweeps you recommend. It is nice for tweeps who follow you to see a list like this, but it is equally great for those who are added to a list like this. Just think about it – Wouldn’t you be happy and feel appreciated if you got a message saying that you had been added to a list called “Social Media Superstars” or “Awesome people”?

7. Client list (Keep this one private): Creating a private list of your clients, will help you to keep up with them and see what they are tweeting about.

8. Leaders or influencers in a specific industry: A list of influencers within a specific industry is great to have. It can become an epic list to go through if you are looking for inspiration or just want to see what they are tweeting about.

You should use twitter lists to gain potential new followers

You probably didn’t think you could gain new followers through Twitter lists – but you can. By keeping this list small (choose around 10 influential people you want to follow you), you can easily keep track of their tweets, allowing you to engage with them through retweets and comments.

At some point, they will notice you and follow you. Once that happens, you pass them to another list and can then add a new member to you list.

It is not only about creating lists or adding people to them. Subscribing to lists is also a great idea to keep up with influencers or to see what is happening in a specific sector.

10. Retweet to increase your twitter engagement

Twitter allows you to share a tweet you like or find interesting. This function is called a retweet and the action is known as retweeting. 

Before sharing somebody else’s tweet in your news feed you should ask yourself: “why should I retweet?” and “how do I retweet this?”.

How to retweet?

  • Auto retweet: this means you only click the retweet button under the tweet
  • Retweet with comment: Twitter allows you to use the quote-button to add a comment to a tweet. In this case you must adapt it to the exiguous number of characters you can use.

In both cases finding the right content for your followers is the main aim!

Get the most out of your retweets

  • Shorten the text by taking out punctuation and unnecessary words, keeping the same meaning
  • Give credit to the author at the beginning of your retweet [Optional Kudos]
  •  Use a hashtag to make your retweets life longer
  • If you are looking for retweets, keep your message short
  • Separate your comment from the author’s message through a pipe symbol (I), so the reader can understand where the original tweet finishes and yours starts

What your retweet should look like

[Optional Kudos] RT [USER1] [USER2] … [Content] [Hashtags] | [Your message]

Why is it so important to retweet?

First of all, it’s a way to engage with other people and showing them that their tweets are relevant to you. At the same time, you are providing great content to your followers. As a company, it shows that you are not just talking about yourself but give just as much importance to your followers.

A replica of your company’s tweet can bring more audience to your profile and increase trust.

Researches showed that tweets containing links produce over 16 % more retweets than actual clicks on the links. That might sound funny because, if you think about it, those tweets are retweeted without even opening the link.  We can deduct that many people use pure retweeting as a part of their Twitter strategy.

However, you must pay attention; you should be able to find the right balance between tweets and retweets – even your retweeting could be seen as spam. To improve the number of retweets you should use a call to action (RT) to invite people to act.

How to improve your twitter engagement?

  • Define a brand voice based on your company’s personality and your audience. Use that voice consistently. It is important that you define your brand and that your audience knows who you are and what you stand for.
  • Don’t be a salesperson on Twitter. Instead, be informative, entertaining, and social. No one likes a pushy salesperson in real life, so why would anyone be interested in being bombarded and pushed to buy in virtual life?
  • Use one to two #hashtags per tweet for maximum engagement. When adding hashtags just for the sake of having hashtags, the purpose of it goes away. With too many hashtags, you will not get maximum engagement on your tweets. One or two hashtags is the perfect amount.
  • Create lists. Twitter lists are its most powerful and least-used feature. You have probably tried to have a great tweet lined up and want to share it with everyone who might be interested, but somehow you always forget someone. If you create lists, you can spend your time and energy on other things and be sure to never forget anyone ever again.
  • Follow the “Two Ears, One Mouth” rule. Make sure you listen and research before you speak.” Listening before speaking is important in virtual as well as real life. We do it way too often – we say something and, once said, we cannot take it back and we realize that we said something we shouldn’t have said or maybe just said it the wrong way.
  • Add links. Link your tweets to interesting articles you find. When you have a great adventure or experience in life, you probably want to share it with your friends. It would normally be pictures or a video plus an explanation, to give the best picture of the whole story. Same goes when you find an interesting article or video on the internet – attach the link to it, so that people get the whole story…
  • Give credits to other Twitter users. The next thing is that, when you share someone’s article, the chance they will share your next article is higher – common respect among bloggers, twitters; virtual “friends” so to speak.
  • Be trendy. Participating in Twitter trends is a great way to join a worldwide public conversation. We all are trendy in one way or another, whether it comes to fashion, music, culture, or social media. So why not be trendy on social media as well?
  • Share presentations on Twitter. Slideshare embeds are fully functioning on Twitter. Why not give your followers as much information as possible? Slideshare works to your advantage.
  • Be visual. Images dramatically increase social media engagement. The first thing the eyes spot is images. Adding images to your tweets will increase your chances of people stopping and taking a second look. (Cat picture on Twitter – Visual Thinking picture on the blog)
  • Optimize your tweets. Tweets that contain more adverbs and verbs have a higher click-through rate. Adding verbs and adverbs to your tweets will increase the click-through rate. This will result in more engagement in the long run.
  • Show up in searches. A key to the registration process is using the right keywords in your biography. Keywords are everything! By doing a little bit of research and adding a few keywords to your tweets, you can reach so many more people and gain so much more.
  • Immediately ditch the egg avatar. Upload your logo or your headshot to your profile. Serious people want to see who is behind the tweets and comments. When putting a face on an action, our brains remember that action much easier.
  • Ask for retweets. Simply asking for retweets can increase your numbers by 12%. By simply asking, as with everything else, you will get so much more. Retweets can help you gain more awareness of you and your brand as well as engagement and followers.
  • Monitor your competitor’s progress. Find out what the hot topics are. In every business, it is important to keep an eye on your competitors, to map what type av activities work and what does not work for them.
  • Have patience. Social networking is a long term strategy. It’s about relationship building. Just like every other relationship, this one also takes time and perseverance. When the time has passed you will see the fruit of your patience.
  • Twitter never sleeps. Automate some tweets to reach early birds, night owls, and different time zones. A big part of the world is awake when you are sleeping, meaning that they do not get to see your tweets unless you schedule them accordingly.
  • Optimize your blog post titles so when tweeting them they’re catchy enough for people to click on the links. The brain thrives with curiosity – if we get curious, we automatically want to click on the link to see what it leads to. Therefore, optimizing your post titles is important.
  • Be active. If a customer sends you a personal tweet, respond. These are the most important tweets you’ll get. The client always comes first. As in every business, customer service is important – As you want the client to be happy and satisfied with your product or service, it is important that you respond promptly when they contact you.
  • Tweet more than once. If you tweet something only once, a lot of people will miss it because their Twitter feeds are crowded with content. Twitter is one of the biggest social media platforms out there, which implies many twitters and even more tweets. Hence, if you don’t plan to boost your tweet with Twitter paid ads, it is a good idea to tweet something more than once to reach the maximum amount of people.
  • Develop a process. Find Twitter tools and strategies that work for you. In this guide, we have provided many strategies. Try to test them and check which ones do work best for your business. As with many other things, once you have found the right tools and settled on the right strategy, the rest is a piece of cake.

How to create a Twitter Ads campaign

If you don’t know very well how to use Twitter Ads to grow your marketing campaign, the following will give you a better idea of what you can expect using Twitter Ads.

  • Better reach your target audience.
  • Better visibility from active users.
  • Better segmentation options.
  • Possibility of creating campaigns based on your business goals.
  • Better conversion rate and brand visibility.

Now that we have that cover let cover the steps to create a successful campaign using Twitter Ads.

1. Choose your objective

Depending on the number of goals you have, Twitter Ads will allow you to select the appropriate type of advertisement you want to use to drive your campaign.

These are the options currently available, although more option may be available in the future:

Twitter campaign objectives


  • Reach: Maximize the reach of your announcement (cost per 1000 Tweet impressions).


  • Video views: Publish your video and reach your target group (cost per visualization).
  • Pre-roll views: Pair your ad with premium content (cost per visualization).
  • App installs: Invite more targeted users to download your app. (cost per click to download).
  • Website clicks: Increase traffic to your web site (cost per click).
  • Engagements: Get more people interacting with your Tweet (cost per interaction).
  • Followers: Amplify the audience of your brand (cost per follower).


  • App re-engagement: Get people to take action in your app (cost per click to download).

2. Segment the campaign

Twitter campaign details

The next step is to configure your Twitter Ads campaign adding the required Funding source (Credit card), daily budget, total budget, the time you want your ad to be displayed.

Twitter demographics

The next step here is to choose your demographics or which target group you want to reach. Twitter Ads segmentation possibilities are very amplified and constitute one of Twitter’s main features. Just make sure to really segment your Twitter ad to reach the target group that is most likely to convert.

Twitter devices

Now you have some optional configuration options if you want to:

  • reach people by specific operating systems.
  • Reach people on the type of device they use.
  • Target people by their device carrier.
Twitter custom audience

Following is another optional feature you may need in your Twitter marketing campaign if you need to target people from a custom audience you’ve already created, including list, website activity, app activity, or app activity combination audiences.

Twitter targeting features

Now to one of the most important configuration parts of the customization process. Here you will need to configure the different parameters to include the right keywords and interest perfect to segment your Twitter campaign in great detail. In this step you have the following configuration options (You are not required to configure each and every parameter here):

  • Keywords: Reach people based on keywords in their search queries, recent Tweets, and Tweets they recently engaged with. This includes related terms, stem variations, hashtags, synonyms, misspellings, and slang. Emojis also count.
  • Follower look-alikes: Reach people with similar interests to an account’s followers. The similarity is based on things like Tweets, Retweets, clicks, and more.
  • Interests: Interests are based on things like what people Tweet and Retweet, what they click on, who they follow, and more. They’re most effective when you choose interests that align directly with your campaigns’ creatives.
  • Movies and TV shows: Reach people engaged with specific TV shows and movies, before, during, and after a telecast. The likelihood of someone seeing a movie or TV show is based on their Tweets (in line with when the movie or TV show airs).
  • Events: Audiences for event targeting are built based on a number of signals including user Tweet content, behavior, and engagement.
  • Conversation topics: Reach people who Tweeted, engaged with a Tweet, or looked at a Tweet about a conversation topic. Conversations have a lookback window of 28 days.
Twitter placements

Now here you will have the ability to chose the placement of your ad. Based on the type of target group you want to reach you will chose differently. Put your Tweets where your target audience is most likely to see them.

Twitter creatives

Creatives is the last customization part of the process. Creatives are any entity that can be promoted in a campaign. Tweets can include text, images, GIFs, videos, or cards. Cards can include images or videos.

Now that you have complete the Twitter ads configuration process, you click on the Launch campaign in the bottom right of your screen, and your campaign will be launched!

Get a blue verification badge for your business

Twitter has developed a blue batch for all businesses considered by Twitter authoritarian within their fields and which are worthy of the nomination. Even though the blue verified badge was created to let people know that a Twitter account of public interest is authentic, in reality, the badge means a lot more. As a business, you would want to have your account verified by Twitter. The badge appears next to the name on an account’s profile and next to the account name in search results.

In order to verify a Twitter account, it is important to understand that your business needs to follow a manual form process in which the account is supervised by those in charge of the social network’s support team. They will be the ones to determine if you will get the badge or not, or if you will have to complete a series of requirements in order to live up to the verification.

Steps to follow to verify your account

In general, all businesses and public figures can fill the verification form and follow the process. But only a few will fill all the requirements to get the blue badge.

The procedure that you need to follow is initiated with the optimization of your Twitter profile. To do so, you must complete a series of aspects such as the profile picture of a real person or the company logo. The biography should be clear and define the mission or specialty of the brand or company. On the other hand, the images have to do with being related to the account. It is also essential to add a direct link to the web that measures the activity of the business, as well as to add an e-mail that is the corporate e-mail of the company.

To access the verification option, it is also important that the tweets are public. to add a verified phone number and confirm your email address, configure your birthday field, and set your tweets as “public”.

Fill out the form

To complete the form, make sure to fill out all the camps manually and in English.

By filling out the form, we hope that Twitter will revise the application and send a positive e-mail in return. The best moment to mandate solicitation is when the account has sufficient quality content, engagement, and followers as for Twitter to determine that it is of public interest (or that it is a business with real activity).

The media of the time that the users were late in receiving the confirmation or denial of the form is from 7 to 15 days.

The advantages of the blue verification badge

  • Identifier of value determined by an authority
  • Adds accountability and stability
  • Access to Twitter analytics
  • Sign of trust amongst the Twitter community
  • Additional security measures
  • Prevents Twitter identity theft
  • It can lead to verification on other sites
  • Helps you network with Influencers
  • Brings in new followers
  • Gives you verification on Vine and Periscope automatically
  • Build your reputation as an industry authority

How to measure your level of success on Twitter

Every good Community Manager aims to link emotionally with communication to get engagement on Twitter. Similarly, in most businesses today, social media engagement is one of the objectives. Of course, this level of relationship or engagement created must be measurable. if not, how would you measure your social media marketing success otherwise? This is how we measure the degree of social media engagement.

On Twitter, you must take into account the number of responses and retweets linked to each tweet in a given period of time divided by the total of followers you have at the time you publish the tweet, and then multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage.

Most of engagement achieved by a company on Twitter is measured usually through retweets.

Note: The engagement increases on weekends, while few companies tweeting during the weekend. Try to work outside the box, if you see it feasible! and also remember that you can increase the engagement of your tweet adding pictures to your tweets.

Dani Thifa
Dani Thifa

My name is Dani Thifa and I am a husband to a clumsy wife, dad to two cute spider babies, uncle to triplets, blogger, and digital lead at #CGI.

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